A new era is coming Up! And with it…


The winter breeze has brought not only the first snowflakes, but also major changes. Your whole universe might get shaken up, as we are about to shake up the entire world of HR and corporate motivation. The Můj Up platform is introducing its innovative Universo+ package with one single purpose – to build a healthy corporate culture from top to bottom!

Having trouble figuring out how best to keep employees motivated? How to encourage them and ensure their satisfaction? And what about corporate culture and communication? What to do when the atmosphere gets a little too thick? All these questions and so few answers… A new era is coming up, offering a simple solution!

What willUNIVERSO+bring you?

We are all familiar with the benefit system, and Můj Up has gained renown of its own. However, it will no longer be “just“ about meal vouchers. We are advancing our reward system with revolutionary HR modules that will help make your employees into a great and motivated team.

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Inquire and measure

Measurement and communication tools give you the insight you need into the satisfaction of teams and individual employees. Getting feedback has never been easier.

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Promote healthy communication

The MůjUp app provides a range of tools that make it easy to get to the bottom of the mysteries of functional and effective internal communication. The new tools make it a breeze.

Reward and motivate

Thanks to the game elements, regular team activities and even praise from colleagues can become fun – and that’s enough motivation to get involved. You’ll enjoy it!

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Support work-life balance

We bring a great range of tools, from eBenefity and eStravenka to loyalty programs that make even this daunting task look like a child’s puzzle.

Curious what exactly we are up to? You will find out more very soon!

A new era is coming up! Universo+ is here.

Ruben Vančo


Ruben Vančo Marketing Manager

Father of two daughters, supporter of performance marketing, accelerating half-marathoner, amateur lover of small scenes, fan of electro-swing, coffee hedonist, cheerful cyclist, astounded observer...