Come closer! Developing our corporate social responsibility strategy.


It’s been on the cards for a while and now it’s here! Introducing our commitment to social responsibility and with it a new website where you can learn about our individual activities in detail.

What do we do?

While social responsibility is nothing new to us, it was time to make changes to our approach and develop it further. Our strategy is divided into five areas or roots that lay a solid foundation for our future direction and approach to our business. The social and environmental impact of business activities is a very topical and important issue in today’s society. This area includes complex and difficult to grasp issues that often divide society. These include, for example, the environmental impact of business, sustainability and equality of opportunity.

We have therefore decided that we too should set new standards in this area that are more in line with our current position and support in these areas. At the same time, the preparation of the new strategy has allowed us to look at all our activities to date with a fresh perspective. We have also set bold new goals that we want to achieve and added a number of additional activities for our entire company. At the same time, we hope that we will be able to inspire other companies to take similar steps, such as our clients, partners and users of the Můj Up app.

And what does our CEO – Stéphane Nicoletti – have to say?

“Commitment to CSR has always been the clear choice for Up. Why? Because we have been pioneers of the social and solidarity economy since 1964, not only in France but also in wider Europe.”

We will present the details of each area of our strategy in turn. Look forward to it!

Ruben Vančo


Ruben Vančo Marketing Manager

Father of two daughters, supporter of performance marketing, accelerating half-marathoner, amateur lover of small scenes, fan of electro-swing, coffee hedonist, cheerful cyclist, astounded observer...