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We are all responsible for our actions. At Up Czech Republic, we are gradually digitising our processes and products, but even so we cannot avoid paper consumption. And because we know how important balance is, we try to compensate the environment.

As part of our approach to the environment, we have set ourselves two ambitious goals that are in line with the idea of a sustainable economy: to contribute to preserving the planet every day for the benefit of new generations, while achieving sustainable growth.

In the fight against global warming, all Up companies carry out their own carbon footprint measurements, which enable specific environmental targets to be implemented. This is done with the aim of minimizing sources of greenhouse gas emissions in four priority areas: employee travel, energy consumption, purchasing and fixed assets.

The second objective is to combat environmental degradation. In addition to measuring our own carbon footprint, we are committed to offering environmentally friendly products and services to our customers. To lend a helping hand to our users who want to promote greener consumption.

How do we help?

What do we observe in the workplace?

Where do we educate?

Máte dotaz?
Napište Janě.

Jana Ondroušková

Zelený pruh 1560/99, 14000
Praha 4 - Braník, Česká republika

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